Who are these people - I've never seen them before in my life, and suddenly they're all over me like a cheap suit. Incredible, the whole neighbourhood has turned bright yellow.
Speaking of cheap suits, who is this Deputy Dawg lookalike, with the Munchkin?
Dear oh Law, is there nobody else to vote for in the by-election? Our second-last MP went on to be Mayor, the last one died. Will the next one be famous for the biggest ever by-election upset?
1 comment:
Cheap shots
I wish to lodge a protest with your publication's publisher. It is not advisable to refer to vertically-challenged people as munchkins. For all you know, I could have been standing in a pothole; or, my companion could have been perched on a riser.
Post by : Ms. Munsch (cache-dp09.proxy.aol.com / )
I wish to lodge a protest also; I bear no resemblance to Deputy Dawg, Hong Kong Phooey or even Bagpuss.
I model myself on a classic sock puppet with its sleek, stylish lines and emotionless button eyes.
Post by : Chas Kennedy (mailgate.sutton-publishing.co.uk / kennedy@lawngstreekayellapiss.com )
Ed, can you get rid of that picture please. It's cramping my style.
Post by : Ossian (host81-129-72-191.in-addr.btopenworld.com / )
Never mind. I've replaced myself with a much nicer one of my own.
Post by : Os (host81-129-72-191.in-addr.btopenworld.com / )
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