Established 2003. Now incorporating The Sudbury Hill Harrow and Wherever End Times

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The thoughts of Red Woodward

A selection of "spokes", as he would probably call them, uttered by our legendary proprietor Eddie "Red" Woodward and shared among staff of the Willy in a long-running in-house email discussion.

1. Never trust anybody honest.

2. This everybody dying malarkey has got beyond a joke.

3. What a person says a lot about says a lot about a person.

4. Minimalism is the biggest load of crap ever.

5. There's no such thing as waiting. You are either doing something useful or you are doing something useless.

6. Meditation? It's a racket.

7. You can put me in a box when I pop my clogs but not before.

8. Evidently I'm past my sell by-date but not my use-by date.

9. In life, you either do something and feel guilty about it, or do nothing and feel guilty about it. There is no in-between.

10. You can't put everything right in the fourth act of a three-act play.

11. The only review worth a damn is written on a cheque.

12. We're not about to go bang.

13. Sufficient unto the day is the shit thereof.

Feargal Mooney


Ossian said...

Didn't he also say "In life you get what you receive"?

Malachy said...

He said a lot of things. One I found in the back pages was "For some unknown reason, God required lots of shit. So he created self-replicating shit factories."

Mrs H said...

Can you blame him for being a bit odd. I mean who names a child Edmund Redmond? No wonder he's barmy.

Red said...

Do you mnid? I can raed you know. I'm not completely gang.