Established 2003. Now incorporating The Sudbury Hill Harrow and Wherever End Times
Showing posts with label audio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label audio. Show all posts

Monday, March 11, 2024

Three poems from Day of the Flying Leaves (audio)

Bookmovie from Fonoteca de Poesia - Stephen Moran

  1. The Hunter-Gatherer Children of Dublin
  2. Eleven Homes
  3. Visiting Molly
The text is displayed smoothly to look like book pages turning. My reading, I don't know, not too bad. I'm grateful to Fonotexa de Poesia for this, which I consider an honour. (Steve)

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Short Story Competition 2022 - Results and Book Launch

It's been a long time in the editing but here at last is the podcast/slideshow/video/audio thingummy from the competition results event and book launch for New Short Stories 12. (Ed.)

NOV 8, LONDON: Who will take the coveted one-off Willesden Herald inscribed “The Willesden Short Story Prize 2022”? All will be revealed on the night. Plus ten cash prizes to the writers of the stories in New Short Stories 12. From The Performance Space, upstairs in The Library at Willesden Green. 

With special thanks to Katy Darby, Claire Lacey and Liars' League

Friday, June 29, 2012

BBC Radio 4 - James Joyce's Ulysses

Broadcast for Bloomsday 2012

Magnificent production, highly recommended. Brings the book completely to life. Superb casting and acting.*

Available for a year. Listen online or download with iTunes.

* Sounding like an advert in the Freeman's journal. Effect of listening too long. Gets in your brain.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

Sinister religious shouting and moaning

Recorded about 8 pm on Wednesday, September 21st, in Grange Road outside Willesden Library Centre. There is another longer recording of similar angry ranting accompanied by crying and moaning. The recording cannot convey the sheer volume and nastiness of the shouting. Bear in mind that this was recorded on a phone cam from the street, while the meeting was going on upstairs in the library centre behind closed curtains. There is no real need to close those curtains up there, normally.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

2011 results event in real time

Introduced by Sam Taradash. Presented by actors Carrie Cohen, Sarah Le Fevre, Silas Hawkins and in Part 2 Elizabeth Bower. Thanks to Liars' League. Sponsored by Willesden Green Writers' Group.

Three more excerpts read by actors from Liars' League, followed by announcement of the results and prizegiving. Maggie Gee describes the judging process, comments on each of the finalists and announces the prizes for runners up and first place. Maggie Gee's commentary starts from about 29 minutes in.

The recordings are in real time, unedited, from welcome till goodnight and fade out. More pictures and links

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

BBC News - Today - Zadie Smith: A defence of libraries


Fascinating talk by Zadie Smith recalling the influence of the local library on her and concluding in scathing terms about the present government's policies towards infrastructure as it affects communities.

Friday, March 05, 2010

Zadie Smith interview

Listen (CBC Radio)

"Eleanor Wachtel in conversation with the dynamic, young author, Zadie Smith. The author of the bestselling hits White Teeth and On Beauty, has a new book of essays about writing, about her addiction to reading, and about her family. It's called Changing My Mind." (Writers & Co.)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Eclectic electric

What's on David Bowie's iPod? Music Culture The Observer "The pop master gives us an exclusive peek to mark the release tomorrow of A Reality Tour, the live double album of his acclaimed 2003-4 world tour"

You can play David Bowie's current favourite iPod tracks courtesy of Spotify, which has his playlist here: A long way from sheet music?

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

The creepiness of David Cameron

BBC iPlayer - Prime Minister's Questions: 06/01/2010: "Live coverage of questions in the House of Commons to Prime Minister Gordon Brown. Broadcast on:BBC Parliament, 12:00pm Wednesday 6th January 2010 Duration: 30 minutes Available until: 12:29pm Wednesday 13th January 2010"

The creepiness of David Cameron. He actually makes my skin crawl with his egregiously personal and unprofessional comments and demeanour.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Wogan's last stand

BBC iPlayer - Wake Up to Wogan: 18/12/2009: "It's your last ever chance to Wake Up To Wogan, as the Togmeister entertains his loyal listeners over breakfast for the final time."

Terry plays his favourite tracks on this his swansong breakfast show. He has had me in stitches so many times he could be a master surgeon. Including the poleaxingly funny Janet & John stories. Terry, may you be in Heaven an hour before the divil knows you're dead!

Broadcast on: BBC Radio 2, 7:30am Friday 18th December 2009
Duration: 120 minutes
Available until: 9:32am Friday 25th December 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

BBC iPlayer - Desert Island Discs: Morrissey

BBC iPlayer - Desert Island Discs: Morrissey

Broadcast on: BBC Radio 4, 11:15am Sunday 29th November 2009
Duration: 45 minutes
Available until: 12:02pm Sunday 6th December 2009

"As the lead singer of The Smiths he captivated a generation of angst-ridden teenagers and, a quarter of a century later, he remains the outsider's outsider. As a child, he was enthralled by the emotion and beauty in pop music. He discovered the joy of public performance when, as a six-year-old boy, he stood on a table and started singing. But from an early age he felt he had to avoid everything conventional life had to offer. 'I just didn't want the norm in any way, he says, 'and I didn't get it. And I'm very glad.'"

Sunday, November 15, 2009

John McGahern: The Stoat

BBC iPlayer - Short Stories by John McGahern: The Stoat

Broadcast on: BBC Radio 7, 10: 15am Sunday 15th November 2009
Duration: 15 minutes
Available until: 10:32am Sunday 22nd November 2009

A man compares a stoat's steadfast quest for a rabbit to a shy woman's pursuit of his hopeless father

Arthur Rimbaud: A Season in Hell

BBC iPlayer - Between the Ears: A Season in Hell

Broadcast on: BBC Radio 3, 9:45pm Saturday 14th November 2009
Duration: 30 minutes
Available until: 10:17pm Saturday 21st November 2009

An abridged radio reworking of Rimbaud's intense masterpiece of spiritual disillusionment, narrated by Carl Prekopp with a soundscape by Bristol composer Elizabeth Purnell and poems sung by Robert Wyatt

"A Season in Hell was written between April and August 1873 in London and France, when Rimbaud was 18, and in the throes of an intense, transgressive and destructive relationship with Verlaine. It is regarded as one of the most remarkable pieces of prose poetry ever written - a mixture of autobiography and enigmatic dream sequence in which Rimbaud looks back in despair over his life as a poet. Combining lucid self-appraisal with demented vision, it moves between hyper-realism and hallucinatory surrealism, blending sounds, colours, odours and intensely visual images. The 25 pages of A Season in Hell, here cut to a third of its length, are seen as both a testimony to and a tortured recantation of Rimbaud's poetic credo, the 'disordering of all the senses'.

"Elizabeth Purnell's soundtrack for the work includes composed music, field recordings and processed sound in a raw response to the words; she set the poems specifically for Wyatt, whose voice in its high, delicate register suggests a beyond-the-grave alter-ego to the young Rimbaud."

Friday, October 02, 2009

Story for childers

The Pidey Pipeload of Hamling - Professor Stanley Unwin

Childers, see if you can list without smiley, who can stay seriose longmost. Deep joy.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Radiohead: Harry Patch (In memory of)

BBC - Today

World War I veteran Harry Patch will be buried tomorrow. The former plumber, who fought at the battle of Passchendaele in 1917, gave a memorable interview to Today reporter Mike Thomson in 2005.
Thom Yorke, lead singer of the band Radiohead, was moved by the interview to write a tribute to the veteran, inspired by Harry Patch's words.
The song can be downloaded from the Radiohead website - all profits will go to the Royal British Legion.

Harry Patch (In memory of)

I am the only one that got through
The others died where ever they fell
It was an ambush
They came up from all sides
Give your leaders each a gun and then let them fight it out themselves
I've seen devils coming up from the ground
I've seen hell upon this earth
The next will be chemical but they will never learn

Harry Patch (1898 - 2009)

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Laugh till you cry

BBC iPlayer - Comedy Catch Up: Count Arthur Strong's Radio Show

"The showbiz legend gives a lecture to impress the Egyptology Society - but there's a strict dress code." (BBC Radio 7)

"Imagine if they mixed the syringes up and you ended up with Cliff Richards' buttocks in your face..." (Classic answer to sales phone call...) "Bob Monkhousen syndrome (by poxy)" Better than drugs.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

For no reason

My Lover's Prayer - Otis Redding

Great music is its own reason, is it not?


Monday, April 06, 2009

A new Bob Dylan song

Click the picture to start or stop the track

"Feel A Change Comin' On" is a single from Bob Dylan's forthcoming new studio album Together Through Life.