Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
This is interesting. The rhythm of a daily walk. Easy to read, unusual format, a little repetitive at first, but mirroring the awful emptiness that assails some of us: Recuperation - by Roddy Doyle. It's not without its highlights and even a shot of redemption. Well worth a read. Brilliant is probably the word I'm looking for.
Sunstroke - by Tessa Hadley begins...
The seafront really isn’t the sea but the Bristol Channel: Wales is a blue line of hills on the other side. The district council has brought sand from elsewhere and built a complicated ugly system of concrete breakwaters to keep it in and make the beach more beachlike, but the locals say it’ll be washed away at the first spring tide. Determined kids wade out a long way into soft brown silt to reach the tepid water, which barely has energy to gather itself into what you could call a wave. It’s hard to believe that the same boys and girls who have PlayStations and the Internet still care to go paddling with shrimping nets in the rock pools left behind when the tide recedes, but they do, absorbed in it for hours as children might have been decades and generations ago.
A new Haruki Murakami: The Hunting Knife. So much to read, so little time.
Screenwriter - by a great writer, Charles D'Ambrosio. I must read this before very long.
Tooth and Claw - by T. Coraghessan Boyle. I probably won't read this, though I have glanced it over a few times. He's not a bad writer, but he spins things a bit too thin for my liking.
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
The A to Z of seasonal dejection
eventually facing gloomy happenstance,
I jack-in Kultur,
leaving masterpieces, none;
opining prizes, qualifications, recognition, sinecures, titles -
Valedictory waves x10 - yours,
All barroom characters
die everywhere
from grinning, hapless
intimates' jabbering,
killed like mutton.
old people,
standing time up,
very wistfully.
Stephen Moran
Howling Laud Hope's Christmas message to the nation. [For budgetary reasons it's the same as his election message earlier this year - Ed.]
Saturday, December 20, 2003
Friday, December 19, 2003
Jeffrey Archer missed a trick. If you're on a charge for anything, give Colonel Gaddafi a bell. He'll confess to anything on behalf of Libya, if you tell him you'll buy some of his oil. Nobody believed they had anything to do with the Lockerbie bombing, but as Gaddafi said they were willing to pay compensation - without admitting guilt - and it would smooth their path to the markets, then he'd do it. Now they've cut a deal with him to "dismantle his weapons of mass destruction." How wonderful these WMD are, they're like the Emperor's New Clothes (ENC) - invisible, but all the courtiers are afraid to be admit that they can't actually see them. Listen to the voice of a small child in the crowd: "The Emperor has no clothes!" He's nude as a Mexican hairless dog.
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
Either there are WMD in Iraq and everybody there needs protective clothing, or there aren't and they don't. Which is it? Why are the forces there not wearing protective clothing? It's clear from their disposition that they do not believe there are WMD present. So why does Blair continue to repeat the lie? If it's true after all, then there was criminal negligence in sending the forces in unprotected.
There was 40% too few nerve agent detector units and the MoD's entire stock of 4,000 vapour detection kits, used by troops when they unmask after a suspected chemical attack, was found to be unserviceable.
"Difficulties" in providing enough NBC protection suits in some sizes were found and some gas masks did not fit as well had been thought. - BBC News / National Audit Office Report.
Were they really in such a hurry to comply with His Master's Voice that they were prepared, just as in the 1914-18 war to sacrifice battalions of British youth for nothing - nothing but a craven face-saving exercise for Whitehall time-servers.
Feargal Mooney
Monday, December 15, 2003
Cardboard City
On the doorstep shivering
When the moon sails left to right
Simon's soup is on the wing.
That fat lady with the urns
Comes from Kilburn to the Strand
With rosary beads and currant buns
And rabbit fit to beat the band.
Coppers twitch their mobile mics,
Suffer us to come to them.
Would you swap with Jesus Christ
On Calvary or Bethlehem?
Stephen Moran
Friday, December 12, 2003
Thursday, December 11, 2003
He gave the little that he had
To build a house for fools and mad;
And shew’d by one satiric touch
No nation needed it so much.
-- Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)
"As Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, Swift's desire to improve conditions for the oppressed, the poor and the alienated grew. These concerns became the blueprint for a dedicated psychiatric hospital free of the abuses of the institutions at the time with an independent board of governors which would protect patients and safeguard the hospital's ongoing development and improvement.
"On October the 19th 1745 the venerable and sick Dean died, leaving his entire estate, derived from royalties of his writings including his great satirical work, Gulliver's Travels, for the founding of a hospital for the psychiatrically ill, the first in Ireland ..... It is now the oldest, purpose built psychiatric hospital continuously functioning on its original site in these islands and one of the oldest in the world. "
Ref: St. Patrick's Hospital - Swift's Lasting Legacy.
Swift himself "lapsed into dementia" three years before his death. He was wrongly thought to suffer from mental illness in his lifetime, having suffered from the early age of 23 what is now known to be Meniere's Disease, "a disturbance of the inner ear that causes vertigo and nausea. There was no treatment for it in Swift's lifetime and his fortitude must have been extraordinary."
Ref: Jonathan Swift (Hertford College.)
According the Herald's Simon Moribund, "Microsoft founder Bill Gates should follow Dean Swift's example and donate some of his billions to help those afflicted with chronic and acute melancholia caused to computer users by his products."
Simon is temporarily indisposed. We can reveal that Microsoft has already sponsored a garden for the suicidal (above).
If you are feeling suicidal [maybe you could] contact The Samaritans. [Not a bad idea, Feargal. I'll make a note of that. Ed.] You can talk confidentially to them on the phone.
Feargal Mooney
Saturday, December 06, 2003
In praise of Chinese names
dusty, enterically febrile,
gentle, herpes-ridden, insouciant!
Jealous Kowloon looks,
moonfaced, nightly
on pretty Qing Ro-Ying.
She tumbles
under virile Wang Xiao's
youthful zeal.
Stephen Moran
Friday, December 05, 2003
This is what you should be seeing: screenshots. If not, your fonts are to cock. Trust me, I'm a programmer.
Simon Moribund
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Top-up fees - what a load of fuss over nothing!
All these scare stories about students leaving University with debts for life - what a load of bosh! Surely it is very clear that Daddy and Mummy will pay those amounts for all but the terribly wretched. As for those, they can always apply to the authorities under whatever Poor Law pertains, for state support. It's so simple, I'm surprised the vast majority of people in the country can't see it. That in itself is a testament to the dismal inadequacy of such places as the "Ball's Pond Road University," as referred to by the spokesman for the Higher Charges Campaign on Newsnight on BBC2 last night. Surely people who attend such temples of ignorance cannot be expected to pay the amounts (soon to be) demanded by good universities? The cheapo places will be there for them, and let's not forget they will be in a lot of debt either way - as they are at present. The government already gives larger amounts to the best universities and always will, which nobody minds, but what we are trying to establish is that people who are able to pay more should be able in some way to differentiate themselves from people who can pay less. We're fed up with all the hopelessly vulgar people flooding the best universities, to the extent that it is now a matter of chance whether a public school applicant is chosen over a bog-standard school supplicant. Surely all this is obvious to the vast majority of the people?
H. C. J. O. K. De B-F, OBE, Brondesbury
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
On a subject too small for poetry
you are not the top
of the grammar elite,
neither effete like litotes, say,
nor sweet like hyperbole;
neither comical like oxymoron,
nor chemical like boron;
neither political like Trotsky,
nor artistic like Paolozzi;
not glamourous, smart or absurd,
but you usually have the last word.
Stephen Moran
Monday, December 01, 2003
The award is for this statement by US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to journalists at a press conference:
Reports that say that something hasn’t happened are always interesting to me because, as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don’t know we don’t know.
There is nothing on earth the matter with that, is there not, or is there? It does not seem more or less unclear to me than any below average utterance or above.
Red Woodward
Saturday, November 29, 2003
Friday, November 28, 2003
The Big Con
It's on - the search for anybody who agrees with the Prime Minister's dull ideas. They need these photo opportunities and soundbites for the snap election that can't be far off, when they cut and run.
Feargal Mooney
and have legislated to prevent them.'
That is a direct quote from the manifesto of the Labour Party for the 2001 General Election. (Full text.)
In the Queen's Speech this week announcing their program of legislation for the next parliamentary year, they included a measure to bring in... top-up fees. But don't worry - it won't come into effect unless they're re-elected! That will be their excuse, but that is also our opportunity.
This is another ill-thought-out initiative by the 10 Downing Street team that proposed instant fines collected by frogmarching miscreants to a cashpoint. That idea was quietly binned. This time it's future generations of students they want to frogmarch to a cashpoint.
Feargal Mooney
Thursday, November 27, 2003
The dog lists
their own names
anything that sounds like eating
seize him
Words that dogs have difficulty with:
Things that dogs like to chase:
tennis balls
just about everything
Things that dogs like to go down:
Things that dogs like to sniff:
Things that dogs hate the sound of:
schoolchildren en masse
Things that dogs distrust:
shadows that move
Things that dogs really love:
nubile visitors
Things that dogs find fascinating:
shopping bags
the other side of walls
Bob Harmless
£5,000 was burned as part of a moronic publicity stunt by Galaxy FM Radio in Birmingham. Phone-in voters were asked to decide whether the money should be given to a contestant to have a boob job and hair extensions, or burned. They said burn it. Radio by the stupid, of the stupid, for the stupid.
More (BBC).*
Hear him talk! See him walk! Feed him formula with the toy bottle and watch him pee pee, and cry tiny tears! So lifelike!
Watch out for future collectors' editions, with flak jacket, nuclear briefcase, Sand Table and indestructible toy soldiers.
*Would suit elderly people with moderate to severe dementia.
Allo, allo, allo... I mean, wh'appen?
What 'ave we got 'ere... I mean, me know dat a -
D. C. Constable
Britain's first Rastafarian convert policeman
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Denmark Road - Appeal
I write in the hope somebody who is with a knowledge of Denmark Road in Willesden [It's actually in Kilburn, here. Ed.] will kindly share their understanding of the street and the area with me, please.
My great grandparents, Francis and Fanny Simmonds lived at #77 Denmark Road for more than 37 years, between 1877 and 1914. Francis is shown, living there still on the 1914 Electoral Rolls, although neither were found at this address in 1901 at the time of the census. Fanny died at Willesden in February 1893 attended by her sister in law, Caroline Pearce, from Kilburn. Francis worked as he always had, in the capacity of a carpenter and in 1893 was a carpenter journeyman.
Their grandson, Herbert Guy Fawcett Simmonds, was my grandfather. In 1912 aged 27, Herbert, with wife and first born son voyaged to Australia aboard the SS Armadale which docked in Fremantle on the 4th January 1913, in the middle of summer.
I would very much like to learn a little of the history of Willesden if possible and also, hopefully learn if the original houses in Denmark Road are still standing.
My appreciation would be magnanimous should there be a reader who may assist.
Thank you for your time.
Sincere thanks and best wishes
Jeanne Helm
Western Australia
Saturday, November 22, 2003
Message to the folks in Britainamerica
The folks in Britainamerica have volunteered to be our native guides in the war on Turr. They have grit. They have steel. Our enemies are illegal noncombatants. Either your folks are with our folks or they're with the enemies' folks. Make no mistake. We are under attack. By killers. We have to use violence against them, and you have to join in with us or else you're with them. To parrotphrase your great former leader, "We need a little less understanding, and a little more violence."
George (aged 57 and 1/2)
Thursday, November 20, 2003
A nice walk around London, with about 200,000 friends
Oh, did you want some tedious pictures of placards? Here's one made out of pretzels. You ain't nothin' but a Hoondog.
It was nearly 6 p.m. when we reached Trafalgar Square. There were speeches and music. Here's part of what George Galloway had to say: listen (1.29 mb.) Here is a message from the wife of a US soldier set to stay in Iraq till next June: listen (648 kb.) And this is the Ballad of Joe Hill: listen (969 kb.)
Report: F. Mooney. Pictures: O. Lennon. Sound: S. Moribund.
A Creaking Hips production in association with Double Pneumonia.
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
(Heart)Breaking News
The leader of the Labour Party (a socialist party) is calling on people in Britain to come out and support the far right wing US regime leader (Ref: Guardian.) George W. Bush was elected on a technicality by a minority of people who voted in the American presidential election. His opponent Al Gore received a majority of the votes cast. The most unpopular US President in history is also the first to receive a full state visit to Britain, meaning he gets to stay in Buckingham Palace with the present monarch. He has the smug glow of a leader like Hitler, visiting Paris or Prague, and the British leader has the demeanour of a Quisling who knows that his capital city can be crushed on the say so of his master.
Feargal Mooney
Sunday, November 16, 2003
Ossian was humming "On a Clear Day" and trying to take a picture from the roof garden of Willesden Herald House, when he lost his balance and fell over the parapet. Luckily he landed in a large holly bush and got away with just a few scratches and bruises. He discovered this picture in his camera when he landed. He says you can see Gladstone Park in it.
Friday, November 14, 2003
Exercise: Show that Bush & Blair know they are Terrorists
Given that Awe = a form of Fear, and Fear = a form of Terror,
and Shock = Fear + Suddenness ~ (approx. equal) Terror,
+ Awe
= Terror
Therefore the US and British "Shock and Awe" campaign in Iraq was a Terror campaign,
therefore they are Terrorists,
and given that they condemn Terrorists,
therefore they condemn themselves, from their own mouths.
Details supplied
First year high school Maths student
Those who live by the sword...
If one of the honour guards goes temporarily sane and bayonets George Bush during his forthcoming state visit to Britain, I doubt any jury in the country would convict him. It would be a case of self-defence.
Name withheld by request
St Raphael's, Wembley
Thursday, November 13, 2003
The Meatrix
It's great to see that good old cartoon films are still there for today's kids. This is a cute one I found* about flying pigs.
*Thanks to Guardian Weblog
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
"Don't bet against George Soros..."
The man who practically broke the Bank of England when he called Norman Lamont's bluff, and who made another killing on the value of the US dollar this year, has decided to use his wealth to achieve what is now "the central aim of his life" - the riddance from the White House of George W. Bush. He says pronouncements of neo-conservatives in the administration now remind him of Nazi, and later Communist rhetoric from his youth in Hungary. He has donated $15 million so far to Liberal campaign groups for what he says is now "a matter of life and death," the November 2004 US presidential election.
Willesden World Desk
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
They're very good at saying Sorry
Is there some memo going around telling everyone to say sorry everytime their incompetence is noticed in the media? There must be another one circulated to Labour MPs telling them to parrot the concerns that focus groups are revealing. Hello? It's the service and the solutions we're paying you for, not for saying Sorry and repeating our own demands back to us. Just do your damn jobs, you shower, or resign. Sorry is no good.
Disgusted, Stonebridge Park
Sunday, November 09, 2003
Thursday, November 06, 2003
MSN Arabia Real Estate
See our lovely London homes here, for sale in Arabia. Admission to the country is no problem if you own expensive riverside flats, so why don't all you refugees and asylum seekers buy them, and you'd be much more comfortable? Nobody would bother about you then, and you could bring your Filipino slaves. It seems so simple - and it is! So what are you waiting for? Contact us today!
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
If policemen and women make tea and use cartons with stupid caps that don't work properly, why don't they charge whoever designed the blasted things with wasting police time? While the designers are in court they can ask the judge to take into account piddly motorway services teapots that pour mostly on the table instead of into the cup, lousy vendor machines that mug people, and sundry other counts of obtaining money under false pretences. I never thought I'd come to appreciate the original wing-flap spout as a brilliant triumph of design by comparison with these untested piles of suppurating ordure masquerading as helpful devices.
Victor Meldrew
Tuesday, November 04, 2003
It's coming on Christmas
They're cutting down trees
They're putting up reindeer
Singing songs of joy and peace
I wish I had a river
I could skate away on.
- Joni Mitchell, River (Blue, 1971)
Sunday, November 02, 2003
The landscape sleeps in mist from morn till noon;
And, if the sun looks through, 'tis with a face
Beamless and pale and round, as if the moon,
When done the journey of her nightly race,
Had found him sleeping, and supplied his place.
For days the shepherds in the fields may be,
Nor mark a patch of sky— blindfold they trace,
The plains, that seem without a bush or tree,
Whistling aloud by guess, to flocks they cannot see.
The timid hare seems half its fears to lose,
Crouching and sleeping 'neath its grassy lair,
And scarcely startles, tho' the shepherd goes
Close by its home, and dogs are barking there;
The wild colt only turns around to stare
At passer by, then knaps his hide again;
And moody crows beside the road forbear
To fly, tho' pelted by the passing swain;
Thus day seems turn'd to night, and tries to wake in vain.
The owlet leaves her hiding-place at noon,
And flaps her grey wings in the doubling light;
The hoarse jay screams to see her out so soon,
And small birds chirp and startle with affright;
Much doth it scare the superstitious wight,
Who dreams of sorry luck, and sore dismay;
While cow-boys think the day a dream of night,
And oft grow fearful on their lonely way,
Fancying that ghosts may wake, and leave their graves by day.
Yet but awhile the slumbering weather flings
Its murky prison round— then winds wake loud;
With sudden stir the startled forest sings
Winter's returning song— cloud races cloud,
And the horizon throws away its shroud,
Sweeping a stretching circle from the eye;
Storms upon storms in quick succession crowd,
And o'er the sameness of the purple sky
Heaven paints, with hurried hand, wild hues of every dye.
At length it comes along the forest oaks,
With sobbing ebbs, and uproar gathering high;
The scared, hoarse raven on its cradle croaks,
And stockdove-flocks in hurried terrors fly,
While the blue hawk hangs o'er them in the sky.—
The hedger hastens from the storm begun,
To seek a shelter that may keep him dry;
And foresters low bent, the wind to shun,
Scarce hear amid the strife the poacher's muttering gun.
The ploughman hears its humming rage begin,
And hies for shelter from his naked toil;
Buttoning his doublet closer to his chin,
He bends and scampers o'er the elting soil,
While clouds above him in wild fury boil,
And winds drive heavily the beating rain;
He turns his back to catch his breath awhile,
Then ekes his speed and faces it again,
To seek the shepherd's hut beside the rushy plain.
The boy, that scareth from the spiry wheat
The melancholy crow—in hurry weaves,
Beneath an ivied tree, his sheltering seat,
Of rushy flags and sedges tied in sheaves,
Or from the field a shock of stubble thieves.
There he doth dithering sit, and entertain
His eyes with marking the storm-driven leaves;
Oft spying nests where he spring eggs had ta'en,
And wishing in his heart 'twas summer-time again.
Thus wears the month along, in checker'd moods,
Sunshine and shadows, tempests loud, and calms;
One hour dies silent o'er the sleepy woods,
The next wakes loud with unexpected storms;
A dreary nakedness the field deforms—
Yet many a rural sound, and rural sight,
Lives in the village still about the farms,
Where toil's rude uproar hums from morn till night
Noises, in which the ears of Industry delight.
At length the stir of rural labour's still,
And Industry her care awhile forgoes;
When Winter comes in earnest to fulfil
His yearly task, at bleak November's close,
And stops the plough, and hides the field in snows;
When frost locks up the stream in chill delay,
And mellows on the hedge the jetty sloes,
For little birds—then Toil hath time for play,
And nought but threshers' flails awake the dreary day.
Book early to avoid disappointment
It is unlikely that Sharon's Grave will be touring in Israel. It opens at the Gaiety Theatre in Dublin next Sunday.
The C.R.A.P. has put its hacking weapons beyond use, and apologised. The acts took place in a secret location with nobody else present according to The Great Suspendo, an independent observer generously sponsored by the Magic Circle. So it's all settled then - back to work! Let bygones be bygones.
Thanks to all wellwishers who inundated me with card while I was indisposed. I'm now back to my old self. Ed.
Bend forward, put your head between your legs, and...
Everyone in Ireland is issued with a pack like this, containing potassium iodate for use in the event of "a nuclear accident." Why are people in Britain not issued with survival kits such as this - are we expendable? What about some gas masks, chemical suits and gaffer tape while we're on the subject? Free flights to Australia? Well, what do you suggest we do when we are attacked? Die? You just don't care do you, you lot. You so-called "government." Mass slavery steering committee for the plutocrats, more like.
Malachy Dunhill
Malachy Dunhill's views do not unnecessarily represent the views of this paper. Ed.
Thursday, October 23, 2003
Note how the Willy was ahead of the news once again in On the Beat with D. C. Constable over two weeks ago. If it were not for this unjustified strike, we would commission D. C. Constable to give us his views on the police training racism scandal.
Management / Skeleton Staff
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
On a show of hands, the staff decided they were not happy with C.R.A.P's empty gestures today. We need them to apologise for their actions and pay significant compensation as well. So we're walking out. Apologies to our loyal readers, but we feel we have to make a stand. It's up to the management, i.e., Red Woodward, now to ensure that our just demands are met.
The Willesden Herald Team
Yes, we have gone away actually
We note Barry Barton's statement issued this morning that he has decided it's time to move on, and call off his campaign against the so-called Willesden Herald. On behalf of the Campaign to Restore Abused Privacy we confirm that his statement accurately reflects our position. We will take steps to put our instruments of graffiti and hacking beyond use, verifiably.
P O'Toole
Why did the fictional chicken cross the road?
Because it would do the same thing, day in and day out, until it was hit by a car and exploded in a puff of feathers and blood.
To lead the sheep to a cocktail party in the church.
Magic Realism:
It's not a chicken, it's a peacock.
To fulfill the prophecy of Clucknomush.
Science Fiction:
To renew the road surface with its GM asphalt chicken shit.
To run at last into the outstretched wings of her darkly handsome capon.
That don't make no never mind.
"That's strange - let's go over and investigate..."
Historical Fiction:
Because it was scared when King Richard's horse bolted throwing the king to the ground outside the inn kept by Nell Golightly's father.
That was the nagging question at the back of Jack Waterford's mind, as his car pulled up at the scene of the incident.
Family Saga:
Uncle Pat said he knew, and cousin Eleanor was sure she knew better, but Aunt Kate had the best explanation.
There was an island in the middle of the road and the chicken was a red one, setting out to find the fabled home of the Road Island Reds.
The chicken was feeling peckish and thought she would stroll over to the other side and see if there were any tasty morsels to be had, as she knew it was still two hours before lunchtime.
Fictionalised Biography:
To escape the crowd that had gathered outside the gates waiting for their first sight of Mandela for over twenty years.
Noël Knowall
Monday, October 20, 2003
Immigrant Blues Burger
1/3 granny smith apple, chopped finely
blue cheese, crumbled, same volume as apple
onions, sliced
egg white
frozen garlic bread
piquante peppers, chips & salsa, rum & coke
Start cooking at 1am, after you have spent 10 hrs on a plane and 4 hrs in Immigration rotting and answering ridiculous questions about the nature of your romantic relationship and your finances. While onions are caramelizing, unprofessionally squash together beef, apple and blue cheese in a fit of unsophisticated culinary inspiration. Attempt to hold patty together with egg white, as instructed by your British companion (officially known in the "recorded landing" documents at Immigration as "boyfriend") but fail miserably. Eat/drink last items on list to compensate and kill time. Unfortunately microwave frozen garlic bread, as you cannot use more than one thing on the warehouse toaster oven/stove thingie at a time. Pile resulting mess of meat/cheese/apple onto garlic bread with ketchup, and top with burnt onions. Inhale happily, and swear it's the best burger you've ever had. which, frankly, it is.
Alura Allumeuse
(Courtesy of Revolting Hoosier Productions)
Don't they realise this mortal coil is finite? Do they think we have time for all that reading instead of living. The snooteriness of them is what gets my goat. It really does. Why use thousands upon thousands upon thousands of words when one will do to sum up everything very nicely? Gosh!!
Why should shops be full with their loneliness? To walk into a bookshop is the most depressing experience available to man...worse by far than walking into a mortuary. The places stink with self-indulgence and this rotten notion that they think they have anything to say that is the slightest interest to anyone other than he or she with so much time on their hands that they haven't yet twigged that they are headed for the alimentary canals of worms and pretty bloody quickly in the overall scheme of things. What turgid tract of masturbatory ink-spilling ever told the poor demented reader anything that he or she couldn't see quite clearly for themselves by going to the window and gazing upon the street at the antics of their fellows?
When I think of them sitting at their typewriters banging out these vile and despair-inducing exhibitions of loneliness I see the darkest darkness of a man's insides seconds before it is exposed to the glare of daylight by the bus they haven't noticed approaching them. Dammit! What I want them all to understand is this, that what vacuous inanities have occurred to them could interest only those even more vacuous than themselves (yes! yes! I know! An hypothetical fantasy). This means other writers. So keep up the good work and bear with me as I explain in brief what should be done to these brown bags of soup-filled puffery. My God, if I had a pound for every.....*
Name and address supplied
Pressures on valuable space preclude me from printing the remaining 700 pages of Mr P***o's very interesting letter. Rest assured that it was interesting in a way that most things that aren't interesting are not interesting.
Fish live in pond
Here at the Willy we like to empasize the positive, as opposed to our competitors such as the mighty Brent Leader, whose recent front page headline was "Fish die in pond."
The Night Shift
It's a long way from Tipperary
The long and the short and the tall
Bless Condoleezza and George Double-U
Bless Saddam Hussein and Tony Blair too
Yes we're saying goodbye to them all
The long and the short and the tall
Goodbye Bin Laden and Mullah Omar
Goodbye to Rumsfeld and jolly Jack Straw
Bless them all, bless them all
The thick and the smart and the droll
Bless Colin Powell and Wolfowitz too
Bless the Ba'ath party and New Labour fools
Yes we're saying goodbye to them all
The long and the short and the tall
Yasser Arafat, Dick Cheney, Sharon and Khameini
Here's up the lot - bless them all
Stephen Moran
Friday, October 17, 2003
Telegram from the Dominions
On a BBC3 jazz programme ("Jez") I heard that G. Bush officially endorsed jazz as an art form recently. this led to the memory of a news photo, viewed this week in a local rag, of G. Bush and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Thoughts drifting, as they will, I suddenly had an image of the terminator as president of those United States. Ah, the criticism.
According to the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, a candidate must be "a natural-born citizen." In an age of in-vitro fertilization, however, it can only be a matter of time till that article has to be reframed, so why not take the opportunity to clear the way for the Governator?*
I thought more. What is Arnold anyway? Arnold is an immigrant from an iron lung country without a Harvard or Yale ( =Oxford or Cambridge) education. He taught himself to speak English, to use his assets (his body, in the beginning) and his thirst for survival-plus to make some money. Well, why not? If more people had his energy and drive we'd all be living on Jupiter.
He created a public persona for 'the Arnold,' amassed a fortune and married a woman connected with old money (in U.S. terms) and long political traditions.
Some call Arnold, disparagingly, an actor. But Shakespeare knew these sorts of people for what they were, for their gifts and their limitations. There are two sorts of actors: the ones capable of transcending their own character and becoming, however ephemerally, someone else; and those who stamp their own personality onto every role they play. Here's our Arnold then, with a will and a character so huge that he makes every role an exploration in becoming.
His artistry, his genius, comes into play in several ways: the first is in knowing which roles to choose; the second is in convincing audiences, producers and his barber that he can carry the day; the third is about always being hungry, always remembering that you were once a stranger without food or language or means and that you are as invincible as God made us to be.
So, he is an artist of life, an actor of long experience, and I say to you that there is no reason in the world why this man cannot aspire to and win a presidential election in the future. The majority of voters in the United States believe in success stories like they believe in mother's milk and McDonalds. My only qestion is: how well does he take direction?
Baroness C.
*Your super soaraway Willy will take up this campaign, and propose Tony Blair as running mate for Arnie on a dream ticket of non-natural born candidates. A write-in campaign for next year? (Ed.)
Cursery rhymes
Maruha had a little llama
high up in the Andes.
Once it caused a local drama
ripping off her panties.
They hunted it by day and night
over peaks and plateaus,
tracking its distinctive shite
and living on tomatoes.
Twinkle, twinkle little star;
how I wonder what you are.
you're a bomblet.
Mary had a brief affair;
she dumped me for a jerk
and now I stalk her everywhere;
I've given up my work.
Fal da ree
fal da rah
with a shotgun in my pack.
I followed her to school one day;
it was against the rule.
With armalites and hand grenades
I massacred the school.
Fal da ree
fal da rah
with a shotgun in my pack.
-- Stephen Moran
Thursday, October 16, 2003
Star imagines she's eating ostriches in L.A.
I was so happy to be eating ostrich enchiladas and [drinking] banana margaritas that I bounced in my seat all night at El Coyote...
Alura Allumeuse
Your letter has been forwarded to Mona Bone-Jakon. Her expert counselling can help in breakdowns like this. (Ed.)
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
I was saying to the "trouble and strife" last night, one day our bed will be crushed by heavy machinery in a landfill. All of our furniture will be smashed and dumped or burned. Everyone we ever knew and all of their children will be dead. Every trace that we ever existed will have disappeared. Someday too, Paris will be vaporised together with all Parisians. The Louvre and Mona Lisa will be dust. Where the Palace of Westminster stood will be a rocky desert. There will be no such thing as houses or homes. No art, no love, no religion, no people. No Sun and no Earth. The only way for humanity to survive is to become nomads in space, sailing convoys of spaceships to the ends of the Universe, in search of places to settle and materials to build more ships.
And do you know what she said? She said, "I hope you put out the recycling."
Simon Moribund
Thursday, October 09, 2003
A shop
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
To whom it may concern
I am writing to you in the hope that you will publish this letter, as I am trying to get in contact with long lost relatives. As far as I know, my Uncle emigrated from Ireland to UK in the early 1950's. His name was William Ennis and he was married to Maureen (Hunt.) They had 5 children, Maureen, Sheila, Brenda, John and Pauline, and last known address was Willesden, London. If any of your readers have any information I would be truly grateful. I can be contacted at Thank you so much.
Pamela Ridgeway
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
Our solicitors, Crapstone Bumwilley Scrotum Scrotum and Haversack, are on standby* to issue a writ if Mr Jeremy Vine persists in introducing his radio program with a phrase very similar to our motto "All the news that's unfit to print" as he did today. [Exhibit A.] We will be listening carefully to ensure that the prefix "un" is not added.
*Either young Mr Scrotum or old Mr Scrotum himself will be handling the case (an indication of the importance we attach to this matter.)
Monday, October 06, 2003
On the beat
I want to take issue with the police spokesman on the Jeremy Vine show* on Radio 2 the other day who said that the police have not been able to do their jobs properly since the McPherson report, because of the way they have to talk to ethnic minorities. I'm here to tell you I have no problem whatsoever talking to the ethnic minority here in Brent, they are always as pleased to see me as if Concorde just flew by. A typical conversation might be:
'Wotcha Delbert, they ain't fitted you up for anything yet then?'
'No man.'
'Watch your back mate.'
'Jah know.'
They often invite me in for one of their traditional cups of tea. The aboriginal English people are not all lager louts, as depicted on TV.
D. C. Constable
Sunday, October 05, 2003
Should this be a Dazzling Light I wonder? It's certainly one of the most beautifully illustrated.
Saturday, October 04, 2003
(I will just ignore the graffiti.)
If you have any hilarious videos showing domestic and industrial accidents please send them to You've Been Maimed at ITV. Also free tickets for the studio recordings of the shows with Belinda Whaleblubber, are available on application.
Friday, October 03, 2003
Usually, I like to drive down to edge of the river (on the left here), swim across with waterproof box tied round my waist and walk the 2 mile long beach on the other side collecting shells and wood (to the right of picture). Then, swim back in time to catch the sunset up at the Fort and watch the fireflies flit through this incredibly magical place.
From The Eejit, September 15th.
Thursday, October 02, 2003
The enemy increaseth every day;
We, at the height, are ready to decline.
There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life
Is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat;
And we must take the current when it serves,
Or lose our ventures.
Brutus - Act IV, Scene III, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
Tuesday, September 30, 2003
How the by-election was won & lost
Take a look for yourself at how the Brent East by-election was won and lost.
You will find the result in full and by clicking on a candidate's name you will be able to view the leaflets issued by them during the contest. (Click a thumbnail for the full size picture.)
Many thanks to our source* in the Willesden Herald for providing most of the original material.
If anyone has any additional leaflets (i.e. we don’t have anything for Barschak or Weiss), please leave a message on the comments page below.
British Parliamentary By-Elections Since 1945
*Codename "Deep Throat" (FM)
Ode to a Nightingale
My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk,
Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains
One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk:
'Tis not through envy of thy happy lot,
But being too happy in thine happiness,--
That thou, light-winged Dryad of the trees
In some melodious plot
Of beechen green, and shadows numberless,
Singest of summer in full-throated ease.
O, for a draught of vintage! that hath been
Cool'd a long age in the deep-delved earth,
Tasting of Flora and the country green,
Dance, and Provençal song, and sunburnt mirth!
O for a beaker full of the warm South,
Full of the true, the blushful Hippocrene,
With beaded bubbles winking at the brim,
And purple-stained mouth;
That I might drink, and leave the world unseen,
And with thee fade away into the forest dim:
Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget
What thou among the leaves hast never known,
The weariness, the fever, and the fret
Here, where men sit and hear each other groan;
Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs,
Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies;
Where but to think is to be full of sorrow
And leaden-eyed despairs,
Where Beauty cannot keep her lustrous eyes,
Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow.
Away! away! for I will fly to thee,
Not charioted by Bacchus and his pards,
But on the viewless wings of Poesy,
Though the dull brain perplexes and retards:
Already with thee! tender is the night,
And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne,
Cluster'd around by all her starry Fays;
But here there is no light,
Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown
Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.
I cannot see what flowers are at my feet,
Nor what soft incense hangs upon the boughs,
But, in embalmed darkness, guess each sweet
Wherewith the seasonable month endows
The grass, the thicket, and the fruit-tree wild;
White hawthorn, and the pastoral eglantine;
Fast fading violets cover'd up in leaves;
And mid-May's eldest child,
The coming musk-rose, full of dewy wine,
The murmurous haunt of flies on summer eves.
Darkling I listen; and, for many a time
I have been half in love with easeful Death,
Call'd him soft names in many a mused rhyme,
To take into the air my quiet breath;
Now more than ever seems it rich to die,
To cease upon the midnight with no pain,
While thou art pouring forth thy soul abroad
In such an ecstasy!
Still wouldst thou sing, and I have ears in vain--
To thy high requiem become a sod.
Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!
No hungry generations tread thee down;
The voice I hear this passing night was heard
In ancient days by emperor and clown:
Perhaps the self-same song that found a path
Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,
She stood in tears amid the alien corn;
The same that oft-times hath
Charm'd magic casements, opening on the foam
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn.
Forlorn! the very word is like a bell
To toll me back from thee to my sole self!
Adieu! the fancy cannot cheat so well
As she is fam'd to do, deceiving elf.
Adieu! adieu! thy plaintive anthem fades
Past the near meadows, over the still stream,
Up the hill-side; and now 'tis buried deep
In the next valley-glades:
Was it a vision, or a waking dream?
Fled is that music:--Do I wake or sleep?
John Keats (1795-1821)
Isn't it despicable for a so-called newspaper, the Daily Star, to run a banner headline about an alleged rape alongside a picture up the arse of a naked tart in today's front pages?
It's time the Trade Descriptions Act was updated to prevent these rags calling themselves newspapers. They should be forced to label their product prominently with some humiliating term, "scumsheets" for example. They make me sick. Where is the Women's Liberation Movement now?
The media have been invaded by the failed yuppies of the late twentieth century, who knew the price of everything and the value of nothing. TV has replaced programs about arts and music with programs about how much money artists and musicians "are worth," for example.
Malachy Dunhill
Friday, September 26, 2003
with Noël Knowall
Big nabobs hang out at the Ally Pally
Doorbells of Kilburn
Book launch at Willesden Library Centre (Starchild by Sundra)
Remember 8/15
The Dome Halloween Short Story contest
Advancing the spirit of Brent - Steve Bell
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Alura in the land of giant food
Most of you must spend your time wondering whatever happened to Alura Allumeuse. Well you can put your mind at rest. As this still shows, she is currently on location shooting her latest adventure, "Alura Goes Large." Here she is again on the set in a reflective moment. Ballet's loss is Hollywood's gain.
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Former WBC heavyweight boxing champion Frank Bruno is suffering from a mental illness. Ref: Sky News. In his early days Frank trained at the All Stars gym on the corner of First Avenue and Harrow Road, Queens Park. As usual some of the tabloids are disgracing themselves and their readers this morning, in their treatment of this story.
Monday, September 22, 2003
Adam Ant has recorded this reworking of Stand and Deliver as Save the Gorilla for the Dianne Fossey Gorilla Fund. It's comically flaky but touching, knowing that he battles with demons.
Sunday, September 21, 2003
There can be no forgiveness without repentance. To simulate the sacrament of Penance in bad faith only adds the sin of sacrilege to the rest. Equally, the facile declarations of forgiveness for their malefactors, which we sometimes hear from victims of crime, only add to the original offence. Unless offenders declare their remorse and promise not to repeat their offence, in good faith, any absolution offered is null and void until the Last Judgment.
Rev. I. Draper
The Willy is number one in the world (out of
Saturday, September 20, 2003
Today "Old Europe" and "New Europe"
Old Europe means powerful countries such as France and Germany. New Europe consists of powerful countries such as Britain and Spain. It is not a chronological distinction because as we all know none of these countries is really any older than the others. There must be some other difference, but what is it? A prize of two weeks Plenary Indulgences (in association with Mrs Haverty Enterprises™ - all rights reserved) to any reader who can explain why one set of countries is "old," while the other is "new."
Friday, September 19, 2003
Here in the Guardian.
Note: They omit Feargal Mooney's write-in vote, 109 "spoiled" votes, which placed him twelfth out of the seventeen.
Winifred Kennedy
I am trying to contact a lady formerly known as Winifred Kennedy born in Carlinville County Cork 1932/33 and may have married in Willesden a gentleman surname of Callaghan in 1955.
She was last seen in 1952 by her brother John Joe Kennedy we believe in the Willesden area. I would love anyone with any information to contact me on [details supplied*]. Here's hoping the Willesden Herald can live up to its reputation as a caring and informative paper.
Suzanne Veail née Kennedy
*If you contact the Herald email, or leave a comment, we will forward your reply to Suzanne.
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Willesden Herald World Exclusive
Loony landslide predicted - The Willy calls the result:
It's the Monster Raving Loony Party - by a whisker
In this world exclusive interview with The Willy's Feargal Mooney, Howling Laud Hope (left, with supporters) calls on voters for just one last push to expel the Labour party from Brent East. (Listen)
Howling Lord Hope's supporters queued early to vote.
Pictures: Ossian Lennon. Sound: Simon Moribund
Like Uma - I now think I can WIN today
If elected as your MP I promise to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. We have ENOUGH LAWS already. Parliament will only meet once every 10 years and only be allowed to pass one law each time. Also I am announcing my new AMNESTY on ALL DEBT - not just personal debt. It will be Willesden Year Zero.
Remember write-in FEARGAL MOONEY [X]
(Amnesty for Debt / Suspend Parliament)
All spoiled votes in this election will be counted for Feargal Mooney. This is not not unofficial.
Handy summary of candidates' messages
BARDWAJ, Jiten (No description)
The Yoga candidate. Main parties are paedophiles. Iblbblbbldbl.
BARSCHACK, Aaron (Comedy Terrorist)
They let me in here too.
BUTTERWORTH, Brian (Socialist Alliance)
Either me or the other one represents Arthur Scargill.
CREMER, Iris (Socialist Labour Party)
EVANS, Robert (Labour)
It wasn't me, I wasn't there, I was in Brussels. Honest.
FERNANDES, Uma (Conservative)
I'll just grab these and you cough. Say Ahhh!
HALL, Brian (UK Independence Party)
This is not an independent country yet.
HOPE, Alan Howling Lord (Monster Raving Loony Party)
I am a
IBRAHIM, Khidori Fawzi (Public Services Not War)
"Sshh, don't mention the war."
IMMANUEL, Harold (Independent Labour)
Trust me, I'm a lawyer.
LYNCH, Noel (Green)
Stop whatever you're doing.
MCBRIDE, Kelly (Independent)
Convicted murderers should not be allowed in the army.
MCKENZIE, Winston (Independent)
Brent says "Stop all immigration now."
TEATHER, Sarah (Liberal Democrats)
Don't worry, it's just for one term.
WALSH, Neil (Independent)
Oh yeah, I forgot I entered.
WEISS, Rainbow George (WWW.XAT.ORG)
Visit my website. That's all.
You can still write in Feargal Mooney, if you want a decent candidate. We will assume tomorrow that all spoiled votes were for Feargal Mooney. See who we beat.
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
Park Avenue Lighting Situation
If you have ever walked down the section of Park Avenue between the High Road and St Pauls Avenue, and you are a woman, you will know just how badly lit and scary it is to walk alone.
For the past few months I have been asking Brent Council to either improve the street lighting or cut the trees back so that the existing lights can shine through. They assured me that there was nothing wrong with them and that maintenance would be carried out.
The reason I was so concerned about this, besides myself and my friends safety, is because my sister works nights until about 12-1am and she has no other choice but to walk down this street at night. She chooses to walk down the middle of the street, where at least you can vaguely see, rather than amongst the shadows on the walkway where anyone could be lurking.
Well, last night the inevitable happened. She was followed by a man in a car, who was quite persistent in his attention. She was lucky that she had enough guts to run, but what about other women who aren’t so lucky? Every time someone walks down that street at night by themselves, they are taking their life in their hands… and what do Brent Council have to say knowing this? “The lights in Park Avenue are of the required standard in terms of light output” I totally disagree!
Does this sort of thing have to happen to some other poor girl who may not be as lucky as my sister before the council listen to us? I’m tempted to get up on a ladder and prune the damn trees myself!
L. Steward
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
According to this article, the Home Secretary has "admitted to Sky News" that Labour and the Liberal Democrats are neck and neck going into Thursday's election in this once safe Labour seat.
Monday, September 15, 2003
Sunday, September 14, 2003
"Education, Education, Education"
Every Cruise missile launched cost 1 million dollars, sent on its way by your own armed forces. Hundreds of them. And the Bush / Blair government just thinks of all that as an investment. You have to destroy in order to get reconstruction contracts. PFI. Pretty Fucking Imbecilic.
Never mind the people underneath. Forget about London and the V2s, the doodlebugs, that's all ancient history. Now it's your own armed forces that are cruise-bombing cities. Not to mention cluster bombs, currently on special offer at the Disneyesque Arms Fair, here in good old London.
This Thursday remember whatever you vote, don't vote Labour. They should be on trial, not up for election.
Feargal Mooney & Ossian Lennon
Friday, September 12, 2003
Pear tree drama
Mick, a friend of Edmund Redmond Woodward (proprietor of the Willy) recommended a tree surgeon to come and provide an estimate for the job. Ed phoned some other contractors for estimates too, but they were very expensive. Next day, a contractor turns up in Reception asking to look at the tree, and the Receptionist buzzes through to Mr Woodward.
"Ask him if he was sent by Mick," says Ed.
"Yes, he was sent by Mick."
"Okay, let him through."
The guy goes through and returns with an estimate. It's about the same as the others, and so he gets the go ahead. Great alarums and excursions as the tree is being felled. Then a call comes through for Ed.
"It's a tree surgeon."
"Put him through."
"Hello, Mick asked me to contact you about a problem you're having with a tree?"
"Didn't you send someone already?"
"Well who the hell is outside cutting down the pear tree?"
It turns out that "Were you sent by Mick?" is not enough verification for people in the tree-felling game. Most of them can answer "Yes" to that question.
Feargal Mooney
In search of syphilis
*I've memorised this program already. (Feargal)
Thursday, September 11, 2003
The nutter who gatecrashed Prince William's birthday party, dressed up as Osama Bin Laden, is standing as a candidate for the vacant parliamentary seat here in Brent East. Here is the full list of candidates:
Robert Evans (Labour)
Uma Fernandes (Conservative)
Sarah Teather (Liberal Democrats)
Harold Immanuel (Independent Labour)
Kelly McBride (Independent)
Winston McKenzie (Independent)
Noel Lynch (Green)
Neil Walsh (Independent)
Alan Howling Lord Hope (Monster Raving Loony Party)
Jiten Bardwaj (No description)
Khidori Fawzi Ibrahim (Public Services Not War)
Brian Butterworth (Socialist Alliance)
Iris Cremer (Socialist Labour Party)
Brian Hall (UK Independence Party)
Rainbow George Weiss (WWW.XAT.ORG)
Aaron Barschack (Comedy Terrorist)
At the 2001 general election, the late Paul Daisley won with 63.21% of the vote, with the Tories second with 18.21% of votes cast and the Liberal Democrats picking up 10.57%. Mr Daisley, a former leader of Brent Council in north London, took over the seat from Ken Livingstone, now Mayor of London. (ref: BBC Online article.) The election will take place next Thursday, September 18th.
Notice: Feargal Mooney is dropping out of the campaign and advising his thousands of supporters to switch their vote to Howling Lord Hope, whose party also supports an amnesty on all personal debt.
It's hard to keep up with all the leaflets. This guy's slogan is "Give Tony a slap." He has a very snazzy, gimmick leaflet that when you open it says, ".sshhh...don't mention the war."
Here's another leaflet that came today from the Muslim Public Affairs Committee, describing the Labour candidate as "a danger to Islam."
"Truth is stranger than fiction," has been proved once again. From the Associated Press comes the story this week that 25 year-old shipping clerk, Charles McKinley, had a co-worker nail him into a shipping crate in New York so that he could be flown to Dallas to visit his family. The cost to his company was almost $600. He needed a free ride. Fifteen hours later (two stops en route) he crawled out of the crate to the astonishment of his parents and the delivery man. Said delivery man phoned the police and poor Charles was charged as a stowaway. In an interview on a national news programme, Charles admitted that it was all a very bad idea. For security officials it raises a number of questions about surveillance of freight on cargo flights.
Charles's employer will probably fire him. He will have to pay the shipping costs as well as face the legal charges and penalties. Good material for a one-act morality play. The actor playing Charles would have to wear nappies of course.
The Willy replies
This mode of travel was pioneered by Mossad who used it to send kidnapped and drugged victims such as Mordechai Vanunu, who told the world about their atom bombs, to Israel. Mr Vanunu has been held mostly in solitary confinement in Ashkelon prison for 17 years, according to this article, which includes a very good picture. It is thought that Israel has up to 200 nuclear warheads threatening the whole Middle East. In the absence of complete worldwide disarmament, it will probably be a good thing if Iran goes ahead and develops nuclear weapons. It might make some people think twice before continuing to colonize the region. (Feargal)
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
This website is now second in the world for those in search of the astringent globose fruit of the blackthorn, according to Google.
"Cluster bombs are not illegal," said Paul Beaver, spokesman for the London Arms Fair, talking to BBC London News today. But the local speciality shop in Willesden does not appear to stock them. A glance in their window reveals nothing but samurai swords and high-powered air guns. Which of the parties will make these items available to local citizens - or are they only for dropping on people?
Heavy ordnance is needed for the annual "two months of nighttime explosions" being organised by local councils and wealthy merchants. The mortar bombs of last year are now considered de passe in Mercedes-driving circles.
Tuesday, September 09, 2003
"Tories offer raw deal in Brent East"
Shadow Chancellor, Michael Howard MP, visited Brent East today, accusing Labour of ‘failing’ in Brent.
Labour’s candidate for Brent East, Robert Evans said,
“Tory Central Office should have told Michael Howard that people in Brent want to keep the 89 new police officers recruited this year, the new Willesden Community Hospital and new City Academy all made possible by Labour.”
“The Tories obsession with cutting public spending would mean 124 fewer police officers, 442 fewer teachers and 405 fewer nurses in Brent.”
“The Tories say that Brent is failing. People in Brent disagree.”
Education standards at GCSE and A level are above the national average for the first time in decades. Crime levels are down and unemployment has fallen by 40%.”
"People remember when Brent was failing under the Tories. Crime doubled, unemployment was sky high and mortgage rates and interest rates rocketed. It was Michael Howard who presided over this mess in Cabinet!"
“The choice on Thursday 18th September for people in Brent is investment with Labour or cuts with the Tories.”
Joe Derrett
London Regional Press Officer
The Willy is ready to publish letters from any of the other candidates. Email: Willesden Herald, including contact details for verification.
Monday, September 08, 2003
The Willy has sent a complimentary Willesden Herald mug to Liberal Democrat candidate Sarah Teather, for being a sport.
The Conservatives are flat-lining in Brent East at the bottom of the list of possible winners. The Liberals are narrowing the gap on New Labour. Even though Labour has actually given us the rebuilt hospital, and let's not forget the new City Academy, specialising in sport (which is really Uffington Road school rebuilt) and okay, okay, the Sports Centre and stadium are being rebuilt, yeah, yeah but the thing is - IRAQ - duh! We cannot let them get away with it. This is a matter of life and death.
Now the only problem here is what about Harold Immanuel, the independent Labour candidate. And how could we forget the Herald's own write-in candidate, Feargal Mooney (Amnesty for Personal Debt and Mortgages Abolish Private Medicine and Education Party). It may be that Immanuel will split the Labour vote and let Sarah Teather in. That would be okay, on one condition, that she is seen sipping from her Willesden Herald mug as the results are announced.
Sunday, September 07, 2003
I wish to protest most strongly at the inclusion of video-nasty type material on your website. The article titled "They walk at night with the hellhounds" contains a very nasty surprise, which could cause people of a nervous disposition to do themselves a mischief. At the very least you might put a parental guidance warning on such material.
Disgusted, Neasden
Friday, September 05, 2003
Write-in Feargal Mooney on September 18th - Manifesto
- Table a bill for a once a century Jubilee amnesty on all personal debt, including mortgages, to be implemented as soon as possible. This will not apply to debts owed by businesses or other institutions.
- Campaign to have all children go to their nearest school with places. This will enable most children to walk to school, abolish the travesty of children with ability being bussed out of their area, and prevent the phenomenon of sink schools. It will also promote community harmony.
- Table a bill that all road vehicles have quiet motors and zero emissions by 2010. They should also be subject to automatic speed limit enforcement.
- Campaign to abolish and ban all private medicine, dentistry and education, to be replaced by comprehensive state provision funded from general taxation.
- Demand that an exception of Justifiable Homicide be allowed for citizens who commit such crimes of passion as strangling tailgaters, dropping ten ton weights on burglars, firing shoulder-launched ground-to-ground missiles at cars with thumping stereos etc.
Don't spoil them - make your vote count, write in Feargal Mooney
Published by the Jubilee Party, Willesden Herald House, NW10.
Place your bets
The nuclear industry always claims that the chances of a serious accident at a nuclear reactor are so infinitesimal as to almost be of the order of 300 billion to 1, but we have already had Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. That's two more practically impossible accidents than the number of people I have ever heard of being killed by falling meteorites. Airlines are forever telling us how much safer it is to travel by air because when we get smashed to bits in aircraft it is much less common than being killed in cars. But I drive my own car. I'm not going to crash the damn thing. Some other dumbasses will - I'm not saying it's safe for them. Then again, at least there are no worldwide terrorist organisations trying to blast my car with shoulder held rocket launchers.
Murphy's law states that if something can go wrong, it will. There will be people kicked to death by donkeys, there will be people killed by falling meteorites, and there will be disasters with nuclear power stations. If you buy a ticket in the lottery, and also support nuclear power, you are saying you place more value on your chances of winning a million pounds, than you do on your safety from nuclear catastrophes. If you buy a ticket in the lottery, and support overflight of cities like London by airlines, you are saying that it is more important for you to get rich than to ensure the safety and peace of London. In order to avoid hypocrisy, anyone who buys a ticket in the lottery, must also oppose flights over built-up areas and nuclear power, because they have proved by paying for their ticket in the lottery that they know there is every chance that the almost impossible will indeed happen.
Malachy Dunhill