Established 2003. Now incorporating The Sudbury Hill Harrow and Wherever End Times

Saturday, November 22, 2003


Message to the folks in Britainamerica

The folks in Britainamerica have volunteered to be our native guides in the war on Turr. They have grit. They have steel. Our enemies are illegal noncombatants. Either your folks are with our folks or they're with the enemies' folks. Make no mistake. We are under attack. By killers. We have to use violence against them, and you have to join in with us or else you're with them. To parrotphrase your great former leader, "We need a little less understanding, and a little more violence."

George (aged 57 and 1/2)


Comments 2003-2004 said...


I'm with you hun. We need all the moral curge we can mustard.

Sometimes we have to destroy the country to save it.

We are famous for tough decisions.

Britainamerica was swell. I admire how they keep the roads free of traffic and the people spread out. We saw no traffic at all and all the folks musta been indoors working cos we saw none of them the entire time we were visiting the satrapy. It was nice after places like New York. Based on what we saw over there the population of London must be around 73 or 74 people and of those I believe Ambassador Mr Tony Burp has had the moral curge to arrest 10 and put them in some place called Bellmarsh without trial or recourse to lawyers. A little piece of Gitmo in London. He is truly a friend and so are all his folks. We will prevail iof we just have the moral curge to kill who needs killing and anyone else within blast range. A dead village is a safe village.


Post by : Lawra ( / )


Praise be!

Praise be!

Gladys Abanjo
Trinity Road Baptists

Post by : Gladys Abanjo (Mrs) ( / )


Well done on Kyoto

And do keep up your good work on ignoring this Kyoto nonsense.

Both Mr Berries and I suffer dreadfully in winter from our lumbago and these new lovely hot November days are a tonic. We were down in our beach hut at Canvey today and it was like June. I had to get the sun lotion out.

Post by : Mrs Berries ( / )


Yes, yes, that's right. Keep it up.

Yes, yes, that's right. Keep it up.

It is the duty of every Christian to hasten the End of Days, to aid the Jews in Israel to destroy themselves or convert to the One True Faith. It is written thus and will come to pass in order to fulfill prophecy so the wicked of the Earth shall perish and the Lord will come for the rest of US and we shall be with him in Paradise for ever and ever and ever.

Some say you are the Antichrist. What say I? I say I do not care if you are Bugs Damn Bunny as long as you hasten the End of Days and we are called to heaven to sit with our Lord.
And so far you are doing a good job.

Keep it up.


Murray Murrayson
Christian Zionist Council

Post by : Murray Murrayson ( / )


Comments 2003-2004 said...

Noting the age of the George "the reporter" I find it amazing someone can live so long and still be so damned ignorant. Another fine example of the US public school system

Post by : 'chele ( / )


George's thanks

Master George wishes to thank all those on Airstrip One who made his vacation such an enjoyable experience, especially Ambassador Tony Burp and the little ole lady who keeps the house on the hill and the quarter of a million folks who he could hear singing and cheering all day Thursday. He was very touched that so many of our true friends made the effort to turn out and chant their solidarity with the mother country over here in the USA.

Thank you, Brits.

Helmut Eberhardt Jr
Head Spinner.

Post by : Helmut Eberhardt Jr ( / )


Peasants ye are, and peasants ye shall remain

It is humiliating to our dear Monarch to be forced to skivvy for a platoon of oiks from the former colonies. They wanted their independence now let them do their own dirty work.

Post by : Cavalier ( / )


It was dreadful. Ketchup on the tables. Never in all my years below stairs...

A small sample

Our Britannic Majesty: I expect after your journey you would rather enjoy a cup of tea.

American Party: Yes ma'am.

Our Britannic Majesty: All with sugar?

American Party: Yes ma'am.

Our Britannic Majesty: Burrell-Fawcett! 736 teas with sugar for our guests!

Post by : Paul Burrell-Fawcett ( / )


Stop press:

The discovery of a Black and Decker Workmate in premises off Al Rashid Street, at the workshop of Mahmoud Al B****di a local carpenter, gives further evidence, if any were needed, that Iraq had the capability to manufacture something that could have been used to reduce the entire American homeland to a bonfire fuelled by anthrax and botulism riddled Americans.

Colin Powell will address every single news source that he can on the finding, declaring it as vindication of the attack on Iraq. He will say that the discovery also vindicates his, Condoleesa Rice's and George Bush's use of the phrase "mushroon cloud" over and over and over and over again in the build up to the war.

The Iraq Survey Group is testing the workmate for traces of anything whatsoever.

In a separate development bleach has been discovered in a toilet in Mosul. Bleach is an important precursor of chlorine gas.

Text Ends.

Post by : Iraq Survey Press Release ( / )


Comments 2003-2004 said...


I hope Dr Ali who injects me with botulinum toxin A (Botox) to paralyse my face so that it can't wrinkle, will not be subject to raids.

Post by : Joan Collings ( / )


Reports are coming in that Bin Laden is chuckling heartily.

He is reported to have said that he had no idea that US strategists were quite so appallingly inept.

"One does not look a gift horse in the mouth," he chuckled "but all the same it is a puzzle as to why they are gifting us so many recruits with their blatant incompetence and poor assessment of the dynamic of cause and effect."

Groups are affiliating to Bin Laden's thinktank at a rate greater even than the growth of membership of the Labour Party in 1997. A spokesman said that the thinktank has learnt much from Blair's ineptitude in losing those same members within a year or two.

Post by : Fox Cub News ( / )


do I have to clear my fridge and my medicine cabinet?

i can't be bothered clearing my fridge and i don't know where to start with my medicine cabinet. a) can i be arrested for keeping castor oil because it has something to do with ricin? b) what if some of those old tupperware containers with mouldy food contain botulism? should i get rid of weedkiller and fertiliser from my garden shed?

Post by : worried and lazy ( / )


A controlled explosion should be sufficient in this case and ten years on the Terrorist Offenders List.

Think on.

Post by : Sergeant Dimbleby ( / )


A precis of the programme on the Iraq Survey Group

A precis of the programme on the Iraq Survey Group - Sunday 23/11/03

Reporter: So, any luck with finding anything whatsoever?

David Kay: Absolutely squat!

Reporter: You think Iraq may have destroyed them.

David Kay: It's the kind of sneaky thing they'd do.

Reporter: Isn't that what we told them to do?

David Kay: Ermmm.......

Post by : panorama ( / )


Oh I do get confused with politics. It's such a shame I can't vote for all of them.

Mr Berries is the one in our house with the political brain. He shouts at the television all day long

Post by : Mrs Berries ( / )


Comments 2003-2004 said...

Why don't you all just settle down and have a drink. Hot toddies are always good. My own Tara recipe calls for a cup of warm milk, sugar to taste and a tot of the 'water of life'. Gaelic's gone all fuzzy and elusive (perhaps too many toddies?) and I canna spell it.

Post by : Scarlotta O'Bara ( / )


Crishis wha' crishis?

At last - a topic I know something about! The indispensible gives us the following definition of "usquebaugh":

Pronunciation: '
Function: noun
Etymology: Irish uisce beathadh
Date: 1581

It means as you say, "water of life." The word uisce (water) is pronounced ish-ke, in the same sort of way as the name "Mishka." Not far from "whiskey," on which M-W gives us:

Main Entry: whis-key
Variant(s): or whis-ky /'hwis-kE, 'wis-/
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural whiskeys or whiskies
Etymology: Irish uisce beathadh & Scottish Gaelic uisge beatha, literally, water of life
Date: 1715
1 : a liquor distilled from the fermented mash of grain (as rye, corn, or barley)
2 : a drink of whiskey

Jeez, I'm parched with the drought - as my old Grandad used to say.

God Bless!

Post by : Rev. Horniman ( / )


Beatha (pr. baha) meaning "of life" is the other bit. Some give up the water, but that's the bit I gave up.

Post by : Rev. Horniman ( / )
