Attention "potentially irritating north London liberals"
Stop Press - Scoop of the Century
Ed is facile, insouciant and naive!
Ed replies:
"Aw shucks. (I'm blushing now.) That's the nicest thing anybody has ever said about me. Thanks."
Marsha Woolley
Typo in your piece
Naif. No problem, don't mention it - I like helping out.
Post by : Simon Moribund ( / )
I think Ed wins on concision.
Post by : Alec Smart ( / )
Who is Zadie
Is there a quote by Zadie on our site? I can't see it. I'm just off to a meeting with accountant, in time for 3:15.
Simon, can you sort this out please. Remember we are virulent (is that the word I'm looking for, you know "manly") left-wingers. We're not soppy, are we? Please remove anything woolly. I don't know what that might be.
Feargal, are we left-wing still? Please send me a private memo. Don't post this message on the site.
Post by : Ed ( / )
Ed, you're on AudioBlagger™. I keep telling you it goes straight through, but you don't listen.
Post by : Feargal ( / )
Never mind
I might as well be talking to myself
Post by : Ed ( / )
Signs and Labels
The name Herald reminds me of the former paper of the masses and of that Scottish paper tha you get sometimes left in Costbucks or Kings Cross burger bars in which apart from the main story you dont know wtf they are on about...all about how Bobby McTavish slaughtered his business rival by immolating him in the boot of a second hand Jag.
My vote was for The Western European (Offshore) Forensic Examiner. If you'll bear with me I'll write a 2000 word proposal on rebranding.
Mal Castro
Pabloite and Revisionist Tendency
(personal capacity)
(Is that Zadie Smith as good at writing as she is pretty?)
Post by : mal castro ( / )
The Good Lord's eggtimer culls us all, the worthy and the sodomite, the pure and the crossdresser, the good and the student.
Post by : Rev Tammy Peabody ( / )
Praise Be!!
Post by : Gladys Abanjo (Mrs) ( / )
I am a great believer in synchronicity. I have been working on my poem for the Bridport. This year I am writing a Petrarchan sonnet. It slipped out of me like mucus off a chrome shovel except...except I could find no rhyme for snorkel It is a poem about drowning ladies of the night. I am down on the sea bed in my snorkel, and then lo and behold I come here to see what's new in Cricklewood and NW10 and the rhyme falls into my upturned pen.
Post by : Rainbow Spike ( / )
You might try "McCorkle" - was the name of a girl I knew once, name of Lucy, not in the biblical sense as we are of the same gender and neither of us into that "same sex" foolin' around. No, we liked our foolin' around to be with those of the opposite sex, although we often compared notes. Lucy had some tricks I'd have liked to see, simply for the curiosity - I just can't see how it is possible to do the things she claimed. But she was an honest girl, so I believed her then and I believe her now!
Anyway, I always thought she should have a poem written about her.
Post by : Lucy's friend ( / )
all is revealed in the Willesden oracle
on the sea of news it is a coracle
Post by : Andrew Lotion ( / )
Dear Lucy's friend, thanks for your suggestion, these are the closing lines I've gone with...
Here I am drowning ladies of the night,
with my pants on my head I'm a silly sight,
I'm down on the seabed with my snorkel
I'm getting on with my seasonal whore cull
so I hope Paul Farley likes it. I've wandered off the Petrarchan scheme and I don't know my iambs from my trocheees but since I missed out on the Willesden Open Poetry competition I'm hoping this one gets me the £3k prize
Post by : rainbow spike ( / )
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