The BBC closed their Script Unit after several consecutive years during which they had not accepted a single submission. Now they are running sham advertising campaigns, in which they indulge their fantasies of serving the nation. Where are the products of this talent search? Is it Fame Academy - is that supposed to be it? For God's sake give us a break. What utter crap. Well when you've got your friends to cater for you can't risk introducing talented people. After all charity begins with a regressive poll tax on TV viewers. The BBC is a byword for complacency. They are stuck in a nonsensical position of having to offer balance in everything they say, so when they say, "Dr Shipman murdered countless old people" they have to stand on their heads and say, "On the other hand he was a well-liked doctor." When they say, "British forces bombed the heads, arms, legs and internal organs off and out of Iraqi men, women and children," they have to bend over and say, "But they had it coming after all, they might have attacked us." They are a 2 billion pound millstone around the neck of the British people. Why didn't they stand up to the Government and say, "We don't want your damned imperialist adventures." Why didn't they say, "We won't stand idly by while you send the entire army, navy and air force - or 45,000 men and women - to assist the Americans in what is nothing more than an indiscriminate reprisal." Break the link with the government, take advertising, do whatever you have to do, to get free. The hell with the smarmy, smirking, plutocrats. They are dupes of unscrupulous business salesmen and managers. Do not follow them. Join the people now. Or else close down. But wait, I'm talking to people with names like Sir Marmaduke Hussy - why am I wasting my breath.
Malachy Dunhill
1 comment:
Media Editor
Good points, Malachy. Thank goodness the last few weeks have seen some semblance of defiance from the propaganda wing of Adventurer Blair. As journalists the BBC news reporters and interviewers have been as tenacious as sheep as opposed to their previous incarnations as mice and/or poodles. I don't mind sitting through 45 minutes of newsnight with Paxman asking exactly the same question till one of these bastards either answers it or makes it clear by their evasions that they regard themselves as having no responsibility to answer questions of enormous and vital public interest.
I'd like to have seen more details of toilet facilities at the BBC in your report. For instance, do they have separate sex facilities?
Post by : amanda saxonheart ( / )
I believe they have a unisex arrangement. The doors of the facilities depict a figure carrying a handbag.
Post by : Mal ( / )
Media Editor
I long for Ladies Only.
Post by : amanda saxonheart ( / )
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