Established 2003. Now incorporating The Sudbury Hill Harrow and Wherever End Times

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Wood End Road this evening

All this happened because of the damn fool clocks going back malarkey. Simple as.

Farewell to Storyville

The End of the Road

We are now closed indefinitely for submissions of short stories. It’s been fun.

Take care. Be good. See you around!


Saturday, December 14, 2024

Our Short Stories of the Year 2024

Willesden Herald Short Stories of the Year 2024

Thanks for another lovely lot of short stories this year, though we only managed to find some for nine out of the twelve months.

Here’s wishing everyone a peaceful and happy new year. (Ed.)

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Bill poster in action today

What would make a good caption for this - "Culture clash"?
Photo: bill poster man in hi-vis work clothes up tall ladder to replace the topmost of two large billboard posters. The bottom one is a poster advertising flats at Greenford Quay "West London's Vibrant Rental Community". The top one is half and half and it's hard to tell which poster is being added and which being covered over; one is for "First Hindi Entertainment on Samsung TV Plus"; the other appears to be a fashion advert for White Fox brand leisurewear.

The new poster completed (for First Hindi Entertainment Channel)

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Short Story of the Month, December 2024

The trouble about helping strangers is you just never know what you're getting into and you don't know what other strangers there might be when you get into it. The clue is in the word "strangers". (Ed.)

Short Story of the Month - December 2024

The Man on the Train by Sarah Turner

“I’d speculated about the man even before we spoke; he interested me as soon as I saw him on the station platform that afternoon, in his long tweed coat and beaten-down, once-formal shoes. He caught my eye and paced towards me with a focused look that made me think he was about to ask me something.”

Sarah Turner's short stories have been/are due to be published by Shooter Literary Magazine, The Sonora Review, J Journal, The London Magazine, Epoque Press, Fictive Dream, Litro, LEON, The Phare, and others, and in 2023 one of her stories was shortlisted for the Bridport Prize Short Story Award. Some of her published work can be read at

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Bonus book for the next Story of the Month

Cover: Day of the Flying Leaves

In addition to a copy of one of the New Short Stories anthologies, the next Story of the Month author will receive a copy of Day of the Flying Leaves, poetry by yours truly. I will also inscribe and sign an as-yet unpublished poem on a blank page. I hope this will not be a disincentive! (Ed.)

Thursday, November 07, 2024

Short Story of the Month, November 2024

We've just arrived back to civilisation and found a great short story of the month for November. It's a "read twicer". Did anything happen while we were away? Ed.

The Willesden Herald Story of the Month

November 2024: IOU by Robert Stone

… When Brett left, Bill hadn’t realised she was going. Her drink was unfinished. And when she was gone the others didn’t seem to miss her or to take the opportunity to talk about her and that surprised him and taught him a lesson …

Robert Stone

Robert Stone was born in Wolverhampton. He works in a press-cuttings agency in London. He has been a teacher and the foreman of a London Underground station. He has had stories in 3:AM, Stand, Panurge, The Write Launch, Confingo, Eclectica, Punt Volat, HCE, The Decadent Review, Heirlock, Lunate, Main Street Rag, Clackamas and Wraparound South. Micro-stories have been published by 5×5, Third Wednesday, The Ocotillo Review, Star 82, deathcap and Clover & White. He had three stories published in the Nightjar chapbook series. A story has been included in Salt’s Best British Stories 2020 volume.

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

The canal at Ladbroke Grove, Tuesday

12:22 5 November 2024

Photo: Looking along a canal that bends away to the right in the distance from this viewpoint on a bridge, with a swan beside a houseboat barge on the right bank, on bright calm shiny water, with a variety of buildings alongside the left bank, foremost one completely covered in brightly coloured graffiti. (There is another swan following some distance back by the next houseboat. They both leave gentle V-shaped in their wake.)

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

Lime + Uber eBikes chaos – London

Kensal Green: 5 November 2024, 11:08 a.m.

Photo: “On Lime + Uber” branded eBikes piled up blocking the pavement outside Kensal Green underground station, 5 November 2024 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Trailer: “Reawakening” – a new film written and directed by Virginia Gilbert

“Reawakening, starring Jared Harris, Juliet Stevenson and Erin Doherty, is the powerful, psychologically piercing and searingly emotional second feature from BAFTA-nominated writer-director Virginia Gilbert.” (Facebook)

Some of you might remember when Virginia Gilbert’s short story “Winter Lambing” won the Willesden Herald short Story competition in 2012, as judged by Roddy Doyle. There is even a video of the awards presentation at the old Willesden Library Centre [with Mourny three sheets to the wind. Ed]

Reawakening had its US premiere at the Newport Beach film festival last week and has already been nominated for awards and included in other film festivals.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Copying/moving from Blogger to WordPress

It's a sad day in many ways. This Blogger site is in the process of moving to WordPress, which can be reached by the Willesden Herald .com domain name. There are over 9800 posts here, according to the import utility. The move will mean that the New Short Stories and Willesden Herald will all be on one site. The export/import process claims to include all content and comments but I know very well that there will be disruption, if not complete chaos. So this Blogger site will remain as it is until the Mahamanvantara or some tycoon buys it and ruins it.* It's been quite a ride, as they say, though with a different meaning in my native Ireland. Thanks to everyone who visited, commented, contributed words. (Steve) 

* Problems: 

  • Most of the posts ported to the WordPress blog rely photos that still reside on Blogger and/or Google photos.
  • Ported comments are all attributed to "Anonymous" but they have their chosen handles on here.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Dusk on Wood End Road - photos

Chiltern Line view towards Sudbury Hill Harrow station

A bend in the road, Wood End Road, Harrow, 10/10/2024

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Amazing restaurant bus, London

"Bustronome - Voyage Gourmand" Website link:
Spotted motoring along Harrow Road, NW10, about 11:15 a.m. yesterday, 11 Sept '24. You can see a chef working away by the window near the back. The bus is a double decker with tables upstairs and down. It's an extraordinarily long vehicle and probably keeps to wide open roads, as small roads and turns are out. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Small but mighty

Basking in the sun this morning. A little Herb Robert and
Alyssum growing between paving stones. 18 July 2024

Home Fashion, First Avenue, London W10

Midday. "Home Fashion" furnishings shop. Corner of First Avenue and Harrow Road. 18 July 2024


Short Story of the Month, July 2024

In Pia Quintano's 29-page short story of the month for July, we're in New York, the capital of the world. Unless that is London or Paris or actually there is no capital of the world. It is though (U.N.). But what lies beneath the sheen of its river water, behind its apartment doors and in the minds of people you've grown up with? A child is missing. We're going into that water. (Ed.)

The Willesden Herald Story of the Month

July 2024: The River by Pia Quintano

"It felt like they were mining the East River, as if the heavy machines they were using to dredge it could easily unearth a car or the core of the planet. I could feel the FDR tremble under my feet but suspected that the heavy barges with their mysterious cargo would be undisturbed, as the men stretched apart the river’s seams..."

Pia Quintano

Pia Quintano
is a New York City based writer/painter who often writes about characters who have experienced a loss that they have never been able to integrate. She spent a winter at the MacDowell Colony in New Hampshire and has had her fiction published in Havik, Lunch Ticket and Landlocked. She enjoys sharing her small apartment in New York with a demanding cocker spaniel and two lively parakeets.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Star of the Raglan Road (lyric video)

This is a hybrid of Raglan Road and Star of the County Down with a chorus and additional verse by yours truly. Míle buíochas to Phil Rynhart for the arrangement and all the music. (Stephen)

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Message to US Republicans

"What will you tell your kids?" Strong case made against Donald Trump by the Lincoln Project, Republicans in the tradition of Abraham Lincoln and against the would-be tinpot dictator and puppet of Vladimir Putin, friend and admirer of Kim Jong Un and other obnoxious men of that type.

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Short Story of the Month, June 2024

Is it June already? There's a cold northwest wind blustering through rainy London, so I said to myself, let's go to Vietnam for a while, meet some interesting people, and see what happens. I'm still there. (Ed.)

The Willesden Herald Story of the Month

June 2024: New Moon by Michael Howard

"…He almost never shut the doors giving onto his balcony and when he did it was only for a few minutes at a time—half an hour at the most.

That’s how Tram came to know these things…"

Michael Howard

Michael Howard's writing has appeared in Mekong Review, New World Writing, Paste Magazine, Gordon Square Review, Creative Loafing, Hypertext Magazine, The Forge, and others. He lives in Vietnam.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024

Chalk directions/pavement art/fun

"Have a good day!"

"Step" ... "Jump"

"Hop on one leg"

...and into the sunset

Photos: 100+ yards? Along the pavement on the south side of Whitton Avenue West, 6 May 2024.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Short Story of the Month, May 2024

I think I remember a line from The Story of Lucy Gault by William Trevor, "Things can go wrong in an empty house." Also in a seemingly empty hotel and arguably an empty relationship, perhaps. Intrigued? Read our Story of the Month for May by Cath Barton to find out what happened. (Ed.)

The Willesden Herald Story of the Month

May 2024: At the Hotel Swinburne by Cath Barton

When we returned to our room after breakfast on the fourth day of our holiday, Arnold told me he didn’t like the mirrors in the hotel.

‘Really? We can cover that up if it bothers you,’ I said, pointing at the full-length one opposite the end of our bed. ‘I suppose some people get a kick out of looking at themselves performing.’

‘For goodness sake, Marie,’ he said.

Cath Barton
Cath Barton is an English writer who lives in Abergavenny. Her novella The Plankton Collector won the New Welsh Writing AmeriCymru Prize for the Novella in 2017, was published by New Welsh Review the following year, and is due to be republished by Parthian Press later in 2024. Subsequent publications are In the Sweep of the Bay (2020, Louise Walters Books), Between the Virgin and the Sea (2023, Novella Express, Leamington Books) and The Geography of the Heart (2023, Arroyo Seco Press). Her most recent publication is a pamphlet of short stories, Mr Bosch and His Owls (2024, Atomic Bohemian).

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Chestnut tree beginning to bloom, Harrow

Chestnut tree beside the public bridleway woodland path, part of the London Capital Ring at the junction of Wood End Road, Orley Farm Road and South Vale, Harrow this afternoon

Friday, April 05, 2024

Short Story of the Month, April 2024

This is a story that will linger in your mind and make you think about people past, present and future. They are out there. Ed.

The Willesden Herald Story of the Month 

April 2024: April 2024: “With Every Choice Something is Lost” by Mike Fox

“She was there most days, though it took me a while to realise. Still and unobtrusive, I began to notice her small figure, always in a white blouse part-concealed by a faded grey mac, standing in what seemed to be contemplation. Before long, as I passed through the churchyard, I found myself looking in the hope of seeing her.”

Mike Fox
Mike Fox
has co-authored a book and published many articles on the human repercussions of illness. Now writing fiction, his stories have been nominated for Best of Net and the Pushcart Prize, listed in Best British and Irish Flash Fiction (BIFFY50), and included in Best British Stories 2018 (Salt), His story, The Violet Eye, was published by Nightjar Press as a limited edition chapbook. An illustrated collection of new stories is being prepared for publication by Confingo Publishing in 2024.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Grove Farm view

Grove Farm local nature reserve, Ealing. View from steps at the southeast corner, Easter Sunday 2024

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Two billboards outside Greenford

Corner of Cavendish Avenue and Greenford Road, Harrow

Two billboards on a gable wall. The top one from The Woodland Trust, advertises "Feeling crisis-y about the climate? Plant more trees". The one underneath at street level is a palimpsest of bits of old posters stripped away. Setting, corner of high street, people about 1pm, shops, a car, shadow of chimney pots from opposite building behind viewpoint. (Photo 24 March 2024)

Monday, March 11, 2024

Three poems from Day of the Flying Leaves (audio)

Bookmovie from Fonoteca de Poesia - Stephen Moran

  1. The Hunter-Gatherer Children of Dublin
  2. Eleven Homes
  3. Visiting Molly
The text is displayed smoothly to look like book pages turning. My reading, I don't know, not too bad. I'm grateful to Fonotexa de Poesia for this, which I consider an honour. (Steve)

Sunday, March 03, 2024

Short Story of the Month, March 2024

I love a story where you have to ask yourself "What is happening here?" And by the end you think you might know. (Ed.)

The Willesden Herald Story of the Month 

March 2024: Outlaws by Neil Brosnan

It’s bizarre; four women travelling together and not a single word being exchanged between us. It’s not as if we’re not all acquainted: his sister is driving, my sister is the front-seat passenger, and the driver’s daughter is sitting beside me in the back – doing something on her iPhone.

Neil Brosnan
From Listowel, Ireland, Neil Brosnan’s stories have appeared in both print and digital magazines and anthologies in Ireland, Britain, Europe, Australia, USA and Canada. A Pushcart nominee, he has won The Bryan MacMahon, The Maurice Walsh, and Ireland’s Own short story awards, and has published two short story collections.

Friday, February 09, 2024

Mobile NHS Covid-19 Vaccine Van at Sudbury Hill

"NHS Health Review - Make Every Contact Count
Worried about your health? Come and talk to us."

"NHS Covid-19 Vaccination Service
Walk-in vaccines available here today ..."

Two parking spaces have been reserved for the mobile NHS vaccine van, seen here.
Greenford Road, North Greenford, next to Sudbury Hill station, outside Iceland supermarket.

Thursday, February 01, 2024

Short Story of the Month, February 2024

For February we have a story that touches on respect for local history and traditions and aspects of behaviour at home and abroad and people who are wonderful. So for once I have nothing funny to say in this intro. But I can assure you that it has nothing to do with interior design. (Ed.)

The Willesden Herald Story of the Month 

February 2024: "My Yellow" by Amanda Huggins 

... Avril shakes her head. ‘I understand the thinking behind it – I know they don’t want Davy to be frightened of the sea – but sending the young bairn out there in this weather isn’t quite the same thing as getting back on a horse after being thrown. And the clothes? He’ll catch his own death dressed like that.’
I turn away from her for a moment, clenching and unclenching my fists as I try to hide my irritation. ...

Amanda Huggins
Amanda Huggins lives near Leeds and is the author of two novellas and several collections of short stories and poetry. Her work has appeared in, among others, Harper’s Bazaar, Mslexia, Tokyo Week-ender, The Telegraph, the Guardian, and on BBC radio.

She has won several awards, including the Kyoto City Mayoral Prize, the Colm Tóibín Short Story Award, the BGTW New Travel Writer of the Year, and three Saboteur Awards. She has also placed in the Harper’s Bazaar Short Story Com-petition, the Costa Short Story Award and the Fish Short Story Prize, and been shortlisted for the Bridport Prize.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Tuesday: The magnificent trees of Westbourne Terrace

View down Westbourne Terrace from across Bishops Bridge Road waiting at a traffic light on red

On the point of action. The moment when an English traffic light turns red and amber.

TRAID charity shop, Shepherd's Bush

Three shop window mannequins dressed somewhat bizarrely

Wider view of TRAID shopfront

 "TRAID is a charity working to stop clothes from being thrown away. We turn clothes waste into funds and resources to reduce the environmental and social impacts of our clothes." 

Visit TRAID Shepherd's Bush for more details and how to donate or arrange a collection.

Monday, January 08, 2024

"Open storage," Wood End

Monday afternoon
This site beside the tracks used to be some sort of car breakers or suchlike. Then it was cleared and a sign went up and stayed for a couple of years, saying "Coming Soon - Clearview Homes." Now there's a sign outside advertising "Open Storage" with the number of square feet etc. The building just visible on the horizon is what used to be called Kellogg Tower, though it has a new name now it's been turned into flats. The intervening semi-wooded area is part of Grove Farm, a "local nature reserve". The railway is the Piccadilly Uxbridge tube line. (Wood End Road his afternoon)