1. Never trust anybody honest.
2. This everybody dying malarkey has got beyond a joke.
3. What a person says a lot about says a lot about a person.
4. Minimalism is the biggest load of crap ever.
5. There's no such thing as waiting. You are either doing something useful or you are doing something useless.
6. Meditation? It's a racket.
7. You can put me in a box when I pop my clogs but not before.
8. Evidently I'm past my sell by-date but not my use-by date.
9. In life, you either do something and feel guilty about it, or do nothing and feel guilty about it. There is no in-between.
10. You can't put everything right in the fourth act of a three-act play.
11. The only review worth a damn is written on a cheque.
12. We're not about to go bang.
13. Sufficient unto the day is the shit thereof.
Feargal Mooney
Feargal Mooney