We apologize to our readers for publishing
a picture of Bush and Blair on location for their new movie, a remake of
Midnight Express. We were the victims of a malicious satirist.
Effective forthwith, I have decided to strip Feargal Mooney of his title "Acting Editor." From now on he will have to take his chances as a freelance.
I will come out of retirement temporarily, till a replacement can be found.
Red Woodward
Then again some of these "War War War" pictures can be quite "Educational Educational Educational," don't you think? To be fair to the government, they did promise before the last election that their three priorities would be "Education, Education & Education," and it must be triply educational for our children to see the pictures from Iraq all over the TV, the Internet and the Newspapers. They might as well learn about the sadistic and perverted world that we have prepared for them, all about the depths of human degradation, and thirdly about impunity and self-satisfaction. A cabinet insider told me as much, off the record, and she added that our small children have to learn to deal with all of these issues - instead of just pfaffing around building sandcastles and so on - if the rate of increase in the suicide rate is to be reduced "in real terms." (Note to myself: Margaret can sound quite plausible at times.) Ed